With the accelerating decline of Mercurial support in the industry in general, and the decision by Atlassian to drop Mercurial support from BitBucket in particular, it's past time for me to migrate the Exodus source repository to a new home. Although Exodus hasn't seen much love from me in recent years due to real life keeping me busy, I'm still here in the background biding my time until I can invest in this project again. To give the Exodus code a home until that happens, I've just migrated the repository over to GitHub. Although I have a fondness and personal preference for GitLab, GitHub has become the de-facto standard home for open-source projects over the last decade, and I see no reason to fight that trend. You can now find the Exodus source repository hosted under GitHub at https://github.com/exodusemulator/Exodus. Future development will be based from this location, and the website has been updated to reference this new home.